
Recording the first steps of my retirement is the primary object of this blog. It is an exercise in self-sponsorship, for I must at the outset declare, ‘my name is Austen and I am a workaholic’.

I went dry for a couple of years in midlife, supported by the state, but at the mere whiff of a job, I was again hopelessly enslaved by my addiction. In the quiet watches of the night I assign two major causes or springs that feed this consuming obsession for the daily grind, as follows

  1. Work keeps me free from depression because I don’t have time to dwell on my own problems
  2. Work grants me a job title that stands in place of my identity. I don’t have time to worry about who I am because I am a <put job title here>.

The way these beliefs act on my professional presentation, from an employer’s point of view, produced an extremely enthusiastic worker who rather jealously guarded and over-did the role assigned.

In my last assignment I was extremely fortunate to find myself amidst a well-led group of engineers. Because of the way that they were led, their natural tolerance of colleagues who are a bit whacky, and their instinctive acceptance of everyone’s honest contribution were, in the main, given free rein. I clamped myself to the side of this group and I was happy for ten years, taking me past the traditional retiring age.

But now at last I feel it is time to make a new effort to come to better terms with myself. I must find and adopt the ‘twelve steps’ that can repair my personality so that for a brief period, I can enjoy the fruits of my labours.

My first move in this campaign is to return to the sea, a restless element in which I formerly thrived, and may do so again. This blog is an account of that return, and the adventures on the way. It shall culminate, I trust, with a description of the successful outcome: a last great flowering of my life before the final states of ‘slippered pantaloon’ and worse!

One thought on “About

  1. Dear Austen,
    Great to meet you.

    Just been reading your blog. You write beautifully – it is really hard to catch part of the essence of these islands and peninsulas then covey it to others in an authentic way: you make it seem so easy.

    Loved your day skipper navigation story. Keep it up – more detail please. And remember, specially in the vicinity of the Pearl of the Orient, a little grit can be a marvelous ingredient in the hands of a skilled writer of your potential.

    Best wishes


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