Bearded bloke

I have received a request to post this photo, so here it is, warts and all.

Sunday at Royal Lankawi YC Marina started quietly enough. The first ritual out of the boat is the wash house, which is at least 200 yards away on the shore. Forgetting my wash bag I  was faced with a considerable round trip to retrieve it. However, having dispensed with shaving 2 weeks ago, and now that my athlete’s foot has been zapped, the only thing I really need is soap.

So instead of the dual trek, I filled my left hand with liquid soap from the dispenser at the washbasins and still had enough left when I had begun to sluice myself to do the business.

I’m getting pretty relaxed….


2 thoughts on “Bearded bloke

  1. Thank you for a wonder-filled weekend which showed me your sailing life. I particularly enjoyed finding the hotel supply shop which I discovered six years ago and buying those top quality steaks to thank Richard for his great hospitality. The swim in the warm seas of the ‘Beach of Skulls’ was magical as was finding Cambrian outcrops with their weather-beaten indentations and fumeroles. Sorry you had to sleep (though that is probably only a loose description of your night) in ‘the black hole of Calcutta’ – did appreciate the kind gesture of your giving me your bunk. See you soon in Penang!

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